
How to Perform The Clubbell Mill to Squat

This exercise is called the club mill to squat. The first variation we’re going to do is going to be doing is a sagittal plane squat, all of our usual cues apply with the mill and the squat.

With the mill, we’re just going to start off in that order position: shoulder down and packed down, elbow tucked in, and the wrist neutral.

From here, if I’m going to do my adjustable club mill to start off with the club in my right hand. I’m going to shift the weight to my right foot and then from there, we’re going to cast away with full arm lock, shoulder packed down, and retracted.

clubell maces

Do a full swing at the bottom, transfer the weight onto the opposite side and then put the adjustable club into the sword and sheath position – inside elbow circle, and go again.

We’re just going to go through those cues now: transfer the weight onto the opposite foot, cast the club away keeping your shoulders packed, adjustable club in sheath and then the elbow circle.

With your squat, all of the usual cues to apply – just try and get the thighs parallel with the floor if you can, with your toes pointing forward.

If you’ve got mobility issues in the ankle or calves you can externally rotate the toes slightly, and then from there you squeeze through the glutes, drive down through the heels, making sure the knees track the toes, and then stand up into extension.

Follow these instructions…

• Sagittal Plane Squat: Begin with proper cues for mill exercise – shoulder down, elbow tucked, neutral wrist.
• Shift your weight to one foot, swing clubbell, transfer weight to opposite side, perform elbow circle.
• Catch and Squat: After the mill swing, catch clubbell, transition into a squat.
• Squat cues: parallel thighs, toes forward, engage glutes, knees tracking toes.
• Reverse Mill Variation: From the squat position, extend into reverse mill by swinging clubbell in an arc across the body. Follow proper cues for reverse mill exercise.
• Pivot Feet Variation: Another variation involves stepping into a frontal plane during reverse mill, then transitioning to a squat. Repeat on both sides for a twisting motion.

Want to learn more about unconventional training? Check out the adjustable steel macebell from the Maverick Mace.